Monday, June 27, 2022



There was a recent tweet about dating priests and seminarians that has been staring the air and raising a lot tension among some ladies and some seminarians. It states, " Stop dating your parish priest. Stop dating the seminarians that are sent to work in your parish". Personally, I have had the cause to talk to some ladies several times on this same issue; the issue of priests and seminarians dating or involving themselves in some erroneous relationships against their priestly call/vows. The issue of priests and seminarians having intimate relationships is one that can never be overemphasized and it also an issue and a crime most priests and seminarians are guilty of. The truth remains that there can never be any moral, theological or medical standing or justification as to why seminarians and priests should date. Whether we like it or not, and whether we believe it or not, the idea of priests and seminarians keeping intimate relationships with the opposite sex is appalling, it has been rejected by the society, the christian faith frowns at it, and most importantly, it is a thing that shouldn't be heard of morally.

Just of recent, a lady friend was sharing with me about her involvement with a Catholic seminarian. In her words, "I sincerely love this seminarian but I am not at ease with the relationship. My conscience keeps judging me. I have tried so many times to end the relationship but he has always convinced me to remain. At times, I feel like I am doing a lot of disservice to myself and to the church at large but I am not ready to lose him. He has a unique way of expressing his love for me which makes me love him even the more. Brother I am confused, I don't know what to do. Should I continue with the relationship? Or should I just end it and deal with the heartbreak?".

A wise man once said, "the most difficult person to give advice to, is one whose mind has already been made up". I knew for a certain that the sister in question knows the answer to her question but for some reasons she decided to ask me. Maybe it was meant to put me to test. I did not take much time in advising her. My answer to her was very plain, straight to the point, and down to earth. "END THE RELATIONSHIP". And I quickly added, "to think that you can talk him into seeing reasons why you should end the relationship will be very senseless and baseless, because you can never win such arguments with him. With or without reasons just end the relationship for your own peace of mind and for your spiritual growth".

Priests and seminarians are so gifted with sweet tongues so much so that ladies hardly escape their nests. It only takes the grace of God for one lady out of ten to say no to a priest or seminarian's proposal. Little wonder, a friend once said, "it is as if they are taught how to woo women in the seminary".


As a lady, to think that you can use reason to speak them out of relationship is deadly, they have all the philosophy. Some can even give you reasons why you can date the pope. Don't ever make the mistake of using faith as your basis for argument because they are well-equipped with theology. They can convince you into believing that Jesus had a spouse while on Earth. Using emotions on them won't work, because they have a full knowledge of psychology. They may even use your emotions against you. Just say NO with no reasons and let your NO be NO.
To ladies, let me advise you. The danger with dating priests and seminarians is that, they can decide at any time to be serious with their vocation. Their consciences can prick them at any point in time and when that happens, you will be at the receiving end. You will be left to handle the heartbreak alone. 

Secondly, in the occasion of any abnormality (pregnancy or sickness), they will treat you like a nonentity. No priest or seminarian will be ready to sacrifice his vocation for you. Don't be fooled. If you succeed in causing one his vocation, believe me you will be prime and greatest enemy in life. He will detest you with so much hatred, even three times more than the love he claimed he had for you.  It will only take the grace of God and the intervention of the Holy spirit for you to be accepted back as a friend.Thirdly, when it comes to relationships, no being can be as deceptive as priests and seminarians. They say so many things that they don't mean at all. They are experts in expressing fake love. They can swear heaven and Earth when it comes to matters of the heart but in truth, they have little or zero feelings for you. The will make you believe that you are the only one but my sister, you are not among the top 20 in the list. They can make you destroy your beautiful and healthy relationships for them but they won't hesitate to push you away when they don't feel your need anymore.

Furthermore, it will interest you to know that, that class of persons can lead you astray and still be safe. They have a unique way of reuniting with with the lord and seeking for pardon. You will be deceived that you are all sinners, which is true but the difference however comes in repentance and asking for mercy. They will kill your faith and quench your burning zeal for the presence of God while they struggle on building theirs.
Finally, you will be shocked and be heartbroken to find out that priests and seminarians that you get involve with are only seeing you as a sex dull or a machine for sexual gratifications. And that is why they can easily relate your case with their friends and if possible try to toss you round among them like a coin. My sister why go through that mental trauma?

Dating them will bring a curse upon yourself. You may find it hard to find a husband and even when you manage to get one, you may live an unhappy marital life.  

NOTE: I know this piece will puncture a lot of relationships and hamper lots of friendships which I might be a victim myself, but the truth needs to be told. Let us call a spade a spade. BE WARNED.

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